To love oneself is the beginning of a lifelong romance.

Oscar Wilde

You Deserve to Feel Better

  • LGBTQ individual receiving personalized support through a virtual therapy session, highlighting inclusivity and understanding in online mental health services


    Every weekend, you're around lots of people, drinking and using drugs, but it all feels fake, and you still feel lonely. You've always wanted to be in a relationship to connect with someone, but you're scared of being rejected like you have in the past. Sometimes, it seems easier to drink until you numb your feelings rather than just sitting on the couch and watching TV alone.

  • Compassionate therapist providing tailored support to an LGBTQ client in an online therapy session, dedicated to LGBTQ-friendly mental health care.


    You find it hard to feel excited about things you used to enjoy, and you might not even remember what made you happy. Taking care of yourself and being around others feels tiring, and you aren’t getting as much done at home or work. You feel alone, hopeless, and upset with yourself.

  • Non-binary person participating in a virtual therapy session from home, emphasizing inclusivity and accessibility of LGBTQ mental health support.


    You feel super aware of everything around you and often feel anxious or scared. You have trouble sleeping at night because your mind keeps running through all sorts of worries, big and small. Sometimes, you notice your heart beating fast, you're sweating, or you just want to escape, even if you don't know why.

  • Therapist creating a welcoming, non-judgmental space during a virtual session for LGBTQ clients, committed to understanding and affirming care


    As a child, you may have picked up negative messages about being gay without even realizing it. These outside attitudes can stick with you and lead to feelings of shame about who you are. Even as an adult, these childhood messages can affect how you see yourself and how you connect with othes.

Non-binary person participating in a virtual therapy session from home, emphasizing inclusivity and accessibility of LGBTQ mental health support.

LGBTQ Virtual Therapy in Missouri and Illinois

Step into a safe, affirming, supportive environment to explore your unique experiences and challenges. We understand the complexities of identity, relationships, and societal pressures that may impact mental health. Our compassionate therapists are skilled in addressing issues such as coming out, relationship dynamics, self-acceptance, and stress related to discrimination. We prioritize a strengths-based approach, helping clients build resilience and foster a sense of community. Together, we work towards personal growth, emotional well-being, and a deeper connection to one's authentic self.